First Time at Music Camp - shocking information for Salvationists I know, but since I (shock, horror) did not grow up in The Salvation Army, this culture of music camp fascinated me to no end. People's intensity about camp, the number of times I heard, "I live from year to year for music camp," the schedule. Let me tell you about the schedule. These kids pay for and look forward to a dusk until dawn filled day of activities - which is focused on theory, Bible, band, worship, vocals, electives, and - of course - eating. I don't know how people keep up with the schedule, because I was exhausted and I obviously had more breaks than most since I couldn't help much with music theory or vocal practice or band sectionals (whatever they are). And don't get your knickers in a twist everyone who sees the 'band camp' poster image - I know there is a difference between band camp & music camp, I just liked the idea of being wanted there...

First Time I *really* experienced 'flies' (as they affectionately call them here) - I have always known that mosquitoes loved me, but this was just plain ridiculous. I was literally dripping in pure, potent & poisonous DEET, but to no avail. These critters LOVED me. I would feel something on my neck, would put my hand to it, and pull away literally covered with blood. If it sounds nasty, you should've seen how it looked. *Not* a pretty situation let me tell you. I can honestly say, my least favourite part of camp, and that I was just about willing to give up my first born (which is not yet a twinkle let me clarify) in order to stop the insanity!
First Time being in a timbrel drill -

First Time that my 'turkey bum' has come in handy - we played an incredibly fun game called "Minute to Win It" and 2 of the activities I had to compete in included: (1) pulling myself around an obstacle course in 60 seconds on a small carpet, and (2) shaking ping pong balls out of a kleenex box attached squarely above my bum! I think enough said on this item, but lets just say the lack of hips or no bum would have been detrimental to the competition - and that was not an issue for me...
First Time being a Camp Counsellor - and let me tell you, I *loved* it. I found myself getting attached to the campers, remembering what it was like when I went to camp and the relationships that I formed with my counsellors, recalling how intense emotions are in those formative years, and just being both excited and burdened for these girls at both the potential pain and possibilities that lay ahead for them. The 'Prayer Stations' throughout the camp on the Wednesday night was a pretty significant break-through I know for many of the campers and counsellors in attendance - myself included. I continue to feel God revealing his plan for my life as the summer progresses - though I must admit, the process can be somewhat painful at times.
FINAL THOUGHTS ON FIRSTS: I never want to avoid or shy away from the opportunity to experience *firsts* - because each time I do face the first head on, I am surprised at how much I grow & gain & learn from trying something new!

It was a fun, fun week - which ended with Kyla, Josh and I being made honourary Newfoundlanders and lunch at Jungle Jim's with my keener, band geek boy who showed up for the last day and a half along with my good pals, the 2 Lt. Haas's! GOOD TIMES at Music Camp:).
Love the update!! You are never too old to try something new...and I am sure music camp was an amazing fit for you. I think you are ready now to be in the CFOT timbrel brigade, so move over Joshua! Can't believe summer is half over, before you know it you will be...many things. Love you!!