The time is flying by. But yesterday, I was especially tired for some reason. I can't account for why. I am getting a decent amount of sleep here, I went for a run but didn't over exert myself... I overate, but that is not unusual for me. Very strange. I had trouble dragging my sorry self out of bed yesterday morning and that general exhaustion continued through out the day. I actually took a nap after supper last night - and by nap, I mean, I slept for a couple of hours on the couch). Of course I couldn't get to sleep last night then - Oops:(. Although I have to admit, I felt some sense of relief to hear when speaking to a few of my session mates that they are experiencing the same phenomenon. I don't think we ever account for the toll that change takes on our body.
I had big plans to go for a bike ride when I got home yesterday,

but it (in)conveniently began to rain - really rain - about 5 minutes before my work day ended, so sadly,... I couldn't. There is access to the Trans-Canada Trail just down the street from the quarters, so if there is time in the next few days and you are in the GGA (Greater Gander Area), please be sure to keep an eye out for me on the side of the road as I will be helmet-less and exploring this budding metropolis on a non-motorized vehicle of the bicycle variety. If it turns into an enjoyable or exciting adventure, tales and photos will follow.
I am tempted here to begin a long and drawn out diatribe about the importance of dedicated bike paths. I'd forgotten how passionately I feel about this particular issue, but the mention of biking brought it all back with amazing - and somewhat annoying - force. When I was on the Rotary group study exchange in the Netherlands (affectionately known as Holland), what amazed me was how cycling paths took priority as a mode of transportation over cars. But, I think - in the interests of time - I will save that particular soap box speech for another day.

How patriotic are you? For those of you who are Canadian, what are your feelings on today - this Canada Day - as you think about your country? Does a feeling of pride overtake you when you see the red & white flag flapping in the wind?
For me, I think about the somewhat 'tongue in cheek' comment I made on my facebook status this Canada Day - that I am proud to be a hyphenated Canadian. I come from a strong British lineage (Welsh & English), and though I spent a few years living in the UK, Canada has and always will be my home. Yet, I still feel this inexplicable draw to my parent's homeland - to describe myself as a person with dual citizenship... I am a proud British-Canadian. Why is that? For our neighbours to the south, their patriotism is so deeply entrenched in who they are, but for us 'polite' folks to the north (I would argue on the politeness, but it seems to be our self-proclaimed tag line) our claim to fame is the mosaic which is our nation - that Toronto is the most multi-cultural city in the worldand that there are few similarities which unite us from coast to coast (B.C. to Newfoundland).
Vancouver hosting the winter Olympics earlier this year certainly seemed to be a uniting force. And today, as I celebrated along with the residents of Gander, there were many proudly sporting red & white, having press-on tattoos of a maple leaf or their favourite hockey team somewhere on their person.

FINAL THOUGHT: Maybe we need to stop worrying about what unites us & what separates us as a nation - and instead, just enjoy those brief moments where we know that listening to live country music as we play a bean bag toss game on a wooden board with a huge beaver painted on it (and enjoying ourselves) is what makes us uniquely Canadian!?!?
One more try Wilson...to say
ReplyDeleteWhy did you not put the drool picture up?
Also the beaver picture TRES funny
Also I agree about the bike path thing.
I think the drool picture has had its day or fun in the sun... I always appreciate when you join me on my soap box Jackie - thank you & you are welcome up there with me anytime:).