Following a number of stops along the way, I spent the first night in Corner Brook at the Fudge's quarters - where I was warmly welcomed with a lovely room made up for me and a full, hot breakfast in the morning. Calvin, Josh and I were on the road by 9 am to go berry picking. By 10:30 am, we were finished picking 2 crates worth of berries, and none too soon as far as I am concerned. Let me tell you, it was *hot, hot, hot*! As much as I enjoyed our berry picking adventures, I have decided that once a year is just about enough of that particular activity - my back was quite sore for the following 2 days (feel free to insert old lady joke here).

The day flew by, but let me tell you, things got a little tense when it was 4 pm and I had yet to eat lunch. If it is not yet clear to ALL who know me, I *heart* food. I mean, I reeeally love it. But not only do I love it, I have to have it. It is essential that I eat 3X a day (usually with snacks in between). Please see conversation below:
The tension started building around 12:30 pm, after we had toured the Corps and gone out to the Captain Hook's (?) look-out to see the view of the city during the day...
Josh (in his usual keener excited way): What do you want to do now?
Joyce (in mildly cranky & sarcastic voice): What do you think I want to do?
Josh: Well, I am seeing a yellow flag telling me it may be food time.
Joyce: And you would be right.
Advance 3 hours with only a blueberry muffin between me and hysteria

Josh: Want to eat our chicken at this parking lot that overlooks the harbour and has a train? You know how I like trains?
Joyce (note deadly pause between each word): I. Don't. Care. Where. We. Eat... I. Am. Starving.
Josh: But the view isn't very good here, what if we just drive down the road a bit and see if we can find a nicer spot?
Joyce: You have 3 minutes - before I blow.
15 minutes later when we are safely back in the exact same spot by the train
Josh (in distressed voice): ... No, its fine... Its okay, I know you're hungry. Its just,... well,... there's no ketchup for my taters.
Joyce (hysteria has officially kicked in - in loud and not so pleasant voice): Do you not know me at all? I. Need. To. Eat. NOW!!!!
Back at the Fudge's 10 minutes later after I have stuffed 3 taters and 2 bites of chicken into my mouth, I can actually feel a peace and calm wash over me as I swallow bites of food:
Joyce (now returning to Joyful Joyce): So, I may have lost my cool a little earlier. Sorry about that. But Josh, you know how important it is that I eat at regular intervals?!?!
Josh: Yeah, but it is just so fun to see you mad!

Other than the food debacle, I had a great time seeing the gorgeous landscape of the west coast, visiting "the boy", meeting Cory & Pam's family, touring their home towns. Again I am lovin' the personalized tour details, and I quote, "And this is the baseball field where my head got sliced open," or, "I used to get off the bus here and pick up snacks from this corner store when I was going to visit Cory, which I would be done by the time I'd walked to his house!" This life here on earth, it consists of these funny memories that we have and that we hold on to. I love that God created us to have these incredible brains which can recall tiny details from our past because of a sight, a sound or a smell. And equally, I love that we can share those memories with people.
FINAL THOUGHT: It is the stories that make a place come alive, it is where people come from and the families and people we are surrounded by that form our character, that make us who we are. I love the opportunity to have a glance or a sneak peek into the lives of those I care about. And that's what this flash trip west was for me...
Best Post ever....I refer to the Joyce, Josh conversation.
ReplyDeleteI totally get you on the food thing...well you know.
Although I do find it hilarious that Josh likes to see you mad.
(although I don't know how he finds it funny)
There are only 2 roads in Seal Cove as well....and one stop sign!