For those of you who knew me in my previous employment, you will know that I was a bit of a clothes horse. My weakness: Coats... Shoes.... Purses... Most accessories. Okay, I really loved *all* items of clothing. Thankfully, something changed in me when I became a Salvation Army soldier, and though I still appreciate clothing, my passionate love did diminish, and the majority of my wardrobe now consists of very functional uniform items.
Though I always enjoyed new clothes, interestingly, I was never a big shopper. I was never one of those girls who enjoyed hours at the mall, or just went from store to store to kill time. The desire for shopping became even less prominent when the justification for new clothes - and my budget - didn't allow for it. So I can tell you that with pregnancy, my interest in shopping has been even further diminished...
For any boy blog followers who get awkward at the discussion of changes to a woman's pregnant body, might I suggest you stop reading ... now.
So, Cape Breton is a beautiful island, but I wouldn't say it is known for being the hub of shopping activity. Don't get me wrong, to date, I have lacked nothing (except the occasional treat from Starbucks). Everything I have needed, I can find. Until now... You see, pregnancy means that 'certain parts' of your body grow... Resulting in the need for some new basic wardrobe items.

With my mother-in-law visiting, her and I decided to brave the mall in search of a few necessities. I was shocked to discover after visiting every single clothing store in the mall, including a number of anchor department stores, we found ourselves empty handed and discouraged. Not a single maternity item to be found... I can't seriously be the only pregnant woman on the island who needs something to wear!?!?!
We eventually found ourselves pulling into Wal-Mart, which apparently houses the sole maternity section in the area. And I use the term "section" fairly loosely since it consisted of literally 2 small racks of clothing: one, included a sweater Josh had already bought for me, and the other, panty hose for pregnant ladies (which I must confess hadn't entered my mind until that very moment, but is PURE GENIUS!).
Actually NOT a maternity shirt, but an old faithful of mine that someone once told me I looked pregnant in when I wore it!!! |
This particular excursion did nothing for my dislike of shopping (nothing against the company I should clarify)! But it did make me MOST grateful to my sister-in-law who does have a love of shopping and who generously shared her entire maternity wardrobe from two pregnancies with me. The best of every world for me - it feels like a new wardrobe every time I open my closet, without the hassle of shopping, and for a budget price of,... $0!
FYI - I will post an update of me in my maternity uniform when it arrives, 'cos not gonna lie folks, the old tunic is getting "pretty snug":).