So, even though I realized it was probably time for a short break, I was embarrassed to admit to Josh that I needed to stop. A far cry from our pre-dating runs together! I kept saying to Josh, "I think something is wrong with me," and he'd respond, "nothing is *wrong* with you Joyce, you're pregnant!!!" Well, I am happy to report we did survive the walk, and thanks to an Orange Julius gift card from a friend, we also celebrated my 'success' with a mango madness smoothie:).
I also felt somewhat relieved when reading my info pack from the Health Unit later that day which informed me at this point in my pregnancy, my heart is pumping approximately 20% more blood than usual. THERE IT IS! The explanation, aka excuse, I was looking for.

Attention: There is no other way to say it. I am not a person who typically enjoys attention. I enjoy interaction with people, but too much attention on me makes me self-conscious and uncomfortable. And yet, there is something special about knowing how much this baby is already loved so much by the people around me; the way my church family is so concerned about how I am feeling; and, how everyone is checking in to make sure that I am taking care of "their little Cape Bretoner"! It is quite endearing:). Don't get me wrong, I still don't need the attention, but there can be no doubt that this child is already very loved, and that is a-ok by this gal!
Mushy moment: Thanks to all who have checked in recently - sickness aside, all is well. And I'm looking forward to many, many more surprises in the future!
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